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Love Letters: A Gallery of Type selections from the rare book collections LE PIU INSIGNI PITTURE PARMENSI… Giambattista Bodoni (1740-1813) Parma: Dalla Tipografia Bodoniana, 1809 ND621 P3 B63 1809 algebraic Bodoni, complete letters, lean as greyhounds, subject to the white rectangle of Geometry; THOM SMITHI ANGLI DE REPVBLICA ANGLORVM LIBRI TRES… Thomas Smith (1513-1577) Lvg. Batavorvm: ex officina Elzeviriana, CIC ICC XXX...

“Of a truth I confess they [the tales] are not mine, and if I said otherwise I should lie, but nevertheless I have faithfully set them down according to the manner in which they are told…” Le XIII Piacevoli Notti… Giovanni Francesco Straparola (ca. 1480- ca. 1557) In Venetia:...