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Quodcumque vinclis super ter- ram strinxeris, erit in astris reli- gatum fortiter. And whatever with bonds you shall have bound upon earth will be bound strongly in heaven. Et quod resolvis in terris arbitrio, e- rit solutum super radium. In fi- ne mundi iudex And what you unbind/loosen on earth will be loosened upon in heaven on your authority....

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="233"] Liber Moamin falconrii de Scientia venandi per aves et quadrupeds[/caption] “In quantum enim sunt reges non habent propriam delectationem nisi venationem” — Moamin “A wise falcon hides his talons.” — Proverb Facsimile. The so-called “Wiener Moamin” was created on the Italian penisula in the...