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P. Utah inv. 6o end of ninth century papyrus “J’ai pu y decouvrir une trentaine de documents juridiques arabes inedits de toutes epoques, parmi lesquels quelques beaux specimens de contrat de vente d’esclaves.” (I have discovered thirty legal documents in Arabic…, including some fine specimens of contracts for...

““The highest mountain, the oldest books, the strangest people, there you will find the stone.” — Attributed to Athanasius Kircher Athanasii Kircheri Societatis Iesu Magnes; sive, de arte magnetica Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680) Romae: sumptibus Blasii Deuersin, & Zanobii Masotti Bibliopolarum typis Vitalis Mascarditypis V. Mascardi, MDCLIV (1654) Third and...

HE KAINE DIATHEKE, NOVUM TESTAMENTUM Wigorniae, Massachusettensi: excudebat Isaias Thomas, Jun, 1800 Editio Prima Americana This is the first American printing of the Greek New Testament, considered a milestone in American printing history. Isaiah Thomas’ printing shop was dubbed “the sedition factory,” during the American Revolution. Thomas moved his...

photo by Scott Beadles An ancient piece from the Rare Books Department has been translated and published by BYU professor Lincoln Blumell. Read all about it in today’s BYU News: “BYU professor works with University of Utah library to translate 1700 year-old obituary” “I’ve looked at hundreds of ancient...

BIBLIA SACRA VETERIS ET NOUI TESTAMENTI… Geneuae: Apud Petrum Santandreanum, MDLXXXIII. 1583 BS75 1583 A reissue, with a different title page, of an edition of François Estienne, Geneva, 1567. The title page of the New Testament bears the imprint: Ex Officina Francisci Stephanii, 1567. This edition was printed...