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Quodcumque vinclis super ter- ram strinxeris, erit in astris reli- gatum fortiter. And whatever with bonds you shall have bound upon earth will be bound strongly in heaven. Et quod resolvis in terris arbitrio, e- rit solutum super radium. In fi- ne mundi iudex And what you unbind/loosen on earth will be loosened upon in heaven on your authority....

“Scynte Valentine of custome yeere by yeere Men have an usuance, in this regioun, To loke and serche Cupides kalendere, And chose theyr choyse by grete affecioun, Such as ben move with Cupides mocioun Takyng theyre choyse as theyre sort doth falle; But I love oone whiche excelleth alle.” -- John...

Laudemus virum gloiosu(m) et parentem nostrum ardentissimam eius charitatem imitar-ri Let us praise the glorious man and our parent/founder; let us try to imitate his most ardent charity, conemus qui exaudi- vit paupieres vinctos in mendicitate et fe- rro. Salvavit eos de manu odientium et who heard the poor bound in poverty and by the sword; he saved them from the hand of those...